Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pizza, Socks

In case you were wondering, I like pizza. I can probably eat pizza any where, any time, any day. I mean I just love pizza. One of my favorite flavors of pizza is Hawaiian. That pineapple just gives the thinly sliced ham enough zing to make my mouth want to do cart wheels.
On to a new thought, for all of you folks that label your socks, you are weird. You may, in fact, be beyond weird. You may actually be on the verge of insanity. Good thing your friends and family choose to overlook the fact that you label your socks right and left and by number. You people, the ones that label your socks of course, should go to bed at night and before you lay your little head down, after you have checked to see that all of your socks are properly matched, should think to yourself, “Self, I am lucky that I have friends and family members that overlook the fact that I label my socks!” Anyway, more to come tomorrow.

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